#but they dont see each other super often but they still hang out when they can
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anotherpapercut · 2 years ago
genuinely so many of you want to be leftist and "punk" and countercultural soooooo bad but you refuse to become comfortable with the concept of people taking drugs for fun because they like it and not because they were somehow tricked or forced into it without knowing what they were getting themselves into
you'll be like "addiction is a disease!!" but think you're better than those degenerate stoners because you only drink energy drinks and white claws and would never touch "illegal drugs"
many if not most drugs CAN be consumed completely safely with almost 0 risk to the user and even if that werent true and all drugs were extremely dangerous you still wouldn't be better than those of us who love doing drugs recreationally
lighten up and grow up. get offline, talk to real adults, and stop being shocked to discover that they enjoy doing stuff that adults do like have sex and do drugs and even listen to rock and roll
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konkusuriuri · 1 year ago
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ardienothesieno · 7 months ago
post game isat thoughts i have
what the title says i have thoughts in my brain and i want to share them
isafrin date thing pretty much immediately post-game: sif should get to be sick for at least a week. and the party fusses over them the whole time and it's adorable and then i think one night. sif should turn to isa and ask if he wants to hang out. hehe and sif brings isa to go look at the stars this time! and it's sort of like isa's friendquest but this time they are actually snuggling. and not just talking about isa, they're talking bout sif too some of the stuff isa says is reminiscent of the loops which freaks sif out a bit. but it just makes them happy to hear isabeau talk and he would share some things that happened in the loops-- wholesome things of course i think it'd still be a while before they opened up about the uh. the worse shit. but stuff like teaching bonnie to fight, finding out they were allergic to pineapple the hard way (isa would be freaked by this but sif finds it hilarious), maybe tell him about wish craft and color theory, the change god helping them out, bombing the king, etc etc. the nice stuff. AND THEN. I THINK THE ISA USING A SHOOTING STAR AS A DISTRACTION THING SHOULD HAPPEN-- BUT ITS REAL THIS TIME <3 like sif looks up and it's a whole freaking meteor shower... and isa tells them to make a wish, to which they respond "i'm not messing with that again for a looooong time" :)))) and i just think that should culminate in isa carrying a sleeping sif back to either the clocktower or the house, wherever the family has set up shop... njhgfcftyhujkuhgvfcdfty i love them they're so cute
LOOP THOUGHTS. i dont know if i am committing to this hc, but i think it would be cool if loop and siffrin became a system of sorts? i know very little about plurality so i dont really know what im talking about... if i get anything wrong please tell me! but ive got yet another scene in mind like right before the party leaves dormont to go pick up nille, sif visits the favor tree one last time. just. reminiscing. and mira would come along and find him and they'd have a talk! not specifically about loop, but loop would definitely come up in the conversation and then at some point sif says that loop mentioned that they'd be coming back and is like "i wonder when we'll see them again" and loop just screams HOW ABOUT RIGHT NOW and shoves siffrin out of front jhugtfcvfdxscfgthbnygvh i think loop should still get to have their own body and autonomy and stuff, i just think they should also be able to just show up in sif's head. and vice versa i think eventually sif figures out how to do it as well and they just get to constantly bother each other from a shared headspace dcgbnjuytfg
and. and then i think that can lead into a lot of sad wholesome moments where sif lets loop be siffrin for a little while. like the party is sitting around a campfire telling stories and being happy, sif notices loop hanging around in the headspace, and lets them drive for a bit. i dont think they'd do it very often or for super long or anything but. hgfcdxcfgybhnj. they should get to be siffrin every once in a while too. as time goes on and they become more of their own person they do it less and less, but for the first few months to a year or so it's comforting to be able to be surrounded by versions of their past family, if only for a bit as i said. i dont know what im talking about really so if i said anything badly or if any of these ideas are bad please let me know
time craft shenanigans i think sif (and loop) should get to keep time craft powers after the loops end not to like. the extreme that the loops were. but like how sif will loop back like five minutes if they screw something up socially-- i think they should get to keep that EXCEPT. the party learns to pick up on what time craft feels like. so if theyre ever talking to sif and boom weird time craft feeling and sif is in a wildly different emotional state they can just go "sif. did you loop back. what happened." i think it would be a good. like. starting therapy point? them having a toxic coping mechanism for when things go badly and the rest of the group helping him work through those situations instead of avoiding avoiding avoiding and i think loop should keep it for the memes (and trauma reasons. but mostly the memes.)
it would get better with time, as siffrin (and loop) gets more and more comfortable with being uncomfortable and messing up and learning to work through the anxiety and and and then that could lead to a big situation a few years in the future when the group splits up. and sif is TERRIFIED that the loops will start again i dont think the group would ever split up for good though. they're a family!!! they're not gonna just leave each other behind after another few months of traveling!!!! that just means all the suffering sif went through was for nothing!!!!! and yeah, they cant stay together forever. i know. but even after splitting up they'd still definitely have family reunions like every other tuesday
BUT SIF AND ISA NEVER SPLIT UP EVER. NOT EVEN FOR FIVE MINUTES they get bonded and go on to open a boutique/trinket shop <3
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am-i-the-asshole-official · 2 years ago
Am I the asshole for outing my friend's relationship to their family?
I (25f) have a friend (30m). We aren't as close as we used to be, but we still hang out. I want to make it clear as this always comes up, I have NEVER wanted to date him. When I was 16 he had a crush on me, but NEVER asked me out. I always saw him as a brother, he saw me as a sister eventually.
His family loves me, and a few of them still believe me and him will end up together. He has went on to date other people and so have I; currently i am dating a guy (28m) who i think I'll marry. But that isn't here nor there. Me and my friend were hanging out (my bf was on his way but got stuck in traffic, tho it isnt uncommon for me and my friend to hang out without my bf as we have been friends for 10 years and done it prior to my relationship). While we were hanging out my friend dropped the bomb on me.
He has secretly been seeing someone and hadn't told anyone as he wanted to see how it went. I was excited for him! He has told his immediate family who it is, and told his extended family he is seeing someone but not who yet. Again, excited! Until he told me who it was.
It is a girl I babysat. She just turned 18 this week, but apparently they've been dating for 2 months. Her parents were aware (which in hindsight make sense why there were asking me about my friend a lot and why they mentioned her "growing up" and "getting a guy" in the same sentence- also, his and her family have known each other for a few years, meanwhile I've known her family my whole life) and they approved it (I verified later with them, and they gave the ok before she was 18). I felt sick.
I'm not sure what exact order happened next as it was a blur. I believe the order went me saying I thought I would be sick, my friend getting mad and yelling, and then me having a panic attack. However the panic attack could have come before the yelling. I had a panic attack because I have had adults take advantage of me when I was younger, and he knows this, and he knows I do NOT approve of those things at all.
My bf came home and obv was confused and protective of me. My friend got kicked out and I told my bf what happened after I calmed. He was also disgusted. I feel sick remembering when my friend had a crush on me, but he had never made any advances. My friend has always dated his age or women older then him.
This was last week. This past thurs (so four days later) I happened to run into his aunt and cousin at the store. They asked how I felt. I tried at first to just be all "my opinion doesn't matter. Good for him" just to get them out of my hair. They kept asking me. The cousin asked if I knew who it was. I must make it clear that I knew they had no clue who it was. They kept pestering me about it and I told them to drop it, but tjeh didn't. Finally the cousin asked if I had feelings for my friend. I blew up as they had been following me around the store. I told them "I dont give a fuck. I think he's a creep for dating someone still in high school."
Aunt was outraged. At him. Not me. Aunt had zero clue. Cousin was shocked. When I got home his other cousin from his uncle (not the same immediate fam) texted me asking if my friend was dating someone underage was true or not. I said she just turned 18 and left it at that.
I ignored it and was going to have a nice dinner with my bf when my phone blew up with calls and texts from my friend. I got called a bitch, a liar, etc. He was irate that I stole this and told his family. He claimed that I should have known better because I was outed as bi and how thst hurt me and he comforted me, I was hurting him the same. I told him it wasn't the same. He called me a ton of other names. My bf blocked him on my phone. I then got a text from the girl and she said "Aunt (she called me aunt because I babysat so often) I am super sad you did this. We won't be able to enjoy our relationship. You have hurt me personally".
That is where I wonder if I am the ahole. Apparently the extended family is pissed. I am pissed. But I have a pit in my stomach wondering if I did the right thing or not, because this girl MY NIECE (not by blood) is distraught. So AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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mothmags · 1 year ago
More Nashi headcannons
This time, her relationships with her family!
part 2 - part 4
I said it before and I'll say it again she is a daddys girl
Her and her dad were super close when she was little, and they are still very close now
Natsu is so proud of his little girl.
This mf will brag to everyone about how strong and brave she is
very much like how guildarts acts about cana vibes
she tries to seem humble about it, but it's very obvious that she likes the praise
these two team up to prank people. April fools day is dreded in the dragneel household for this reason alone
he has since learned to knock when entering her apartment after accidentally catching her and maree in the mid romantic moment (they were not having sex THANK GOD)
"their not dating my ass," but he mostly keeps it to himself. they will tell everyone when their ready (totally not connecting that he and lucy had that same kinda relationship when they were younger)
be buys her and her brother a gift if he's gone on a long mission
yall KNOW. He's going to be a great dad
when she was a teen, her and her mom had BEEF
nashi would not listen to a word she said even if it was for the best
nashi was just sick of having her tell her what to do
she grew out of it by her late teens' early 20s, tho
they were super close when she was a kid and are becoming closer now that shes out her teenage angst era
even though they had a rocky couple of years, they would still do magic lessons on wednesdays
before they go for their weekly lessons, they get coffee or tea at the local cafe that opened up down the street
Lucy gets a mocha latte and Nashi gets a boba tea
they talk about books and how their week has been and general catch up since sometimes their schedules dont sync up
these two, even in nashis' teen years, they gossip to each other about stuff happening in the guildhall while the other was away
nashi also tells her mom everything shes been working on in her studies at FSI
lucy is always ecstatic since some of it is stuff that isnt public knowledge yet
luxy tries really hard to be a good mother to her kids and now that nashi isnt a kid anymore she sees how much work and love her mom gives to make their family happy
She low key thinks he's a babied brat
They "fight" a lot. mostly about trivial things, but it never gets serious. its mostly teasing
they dont throw hands often with eachother its mostly verbal
Lucy would ground them for fighting, and they would both be like "moooom >:( we were just having a little fun"
he breaks into her apartment several times a week to steal snack on the way to the guild
when he tries to set up a prank in her apartment maree catches him like 75% of the time
she just kinda backs away and doesn't snitch because she thinks it'll be funny
sometimes hed just break in to knock a drink off her counter and turn the lights off or just generally be a nuisance for a hot second then just leave
nashi never gave him a key. This guy just breaks in through her window.
sometimes loke lets him in tho
he stays with them when his parents are on a long mission
not because he needs someone to watch him but because he gets bored in an empty house
they very much have the "only I'm allowed to be mean to my sibling" dynamic and will fight anyone who tries to break that
when they both were living under the same roof, it was incredibly chaotic but once she moved out he missed her a lot
hed never tell her that tho
besties for the resties
he joins her on smaller jobs when she can just go by herself
he joins in because "a lady shouldn't travel alone!" but he just wants to hang out with her
when she was younger and more rowdy, he would try to keep her out of trouble but would get wrapped up in whatever prank she was doing at the time
he would join her for mostly every job for this reason, but since neil goes out on jobs alone now, he mostly joins him (and ofc he joins natsu and lucy on theirs aswell when they do big ones)
he steals food from her apartment with neil
he teases her like how he teases lucy but ofc its all light hearted
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shed-the-god · 2 months ago
I think i would feel better if i finally say this someplace so… 🤷🏾
Funny how im making dinner during this ig
I feel like i subconsciously projected on Peacock, probably bc i didnt really know the full extent of these feelings before.
We both get pieces of ourselves out to those we cherish. We give our love away to others by basically giving our whole person to them. Peacock’s manifests physically as his guardian angel magic. He gives his protection and omniscience and i wish i could protect my loved ones like he can ngl.
Still, its makes sense now when i feel less than even second place, like im an outsider, that i cant have anybody super close who would basically give back in some way, idk.
I remember in middle school feeling like id never have anyone to be special to, that ill never be someone’s number one, number two. I always felt like an extra that happened to be there so “might as well hang out with this guy”. Ive had friends where we called each other bestfriends but then we immediately drift apart a couple years later. I still love them. I wish for the best for them. I just wish that i had something long lasting in my life.
I dont have any friends from childhood, except my family. Ive easily lost my friends, maybe bc the distance is too much on my brain to keep me interacting and maintaining a relationship.
I dont have much of a constant in my life that makes me feel happy; my family moved too often too so i didnt even have that.
All’s that to say, i know ill be able to find someone(s) who’ll make me feel so loved. I may just be a while from now.
And i dont mean to disrespect my current friends. Ive loved and felt loved too. Its just apparent to me that i dont have much substance to me as a person. I dont have much personality thatll attract people to me for a long while. I see everyone interacting with each other and i get happy seeing others happy but ive been pulling back and interacting less bc i somewhat feel envy of how close people can be with each other.
Because how can people get close with others. What does it consist of. How do you get close to others. How can you tell youre close to them.
Bc i can talk to you all the time, but what does it take to be close to someone. I see everyone talk alot and keep conversations going while i struggle with that. Everyone trying to help others in their times of struggle and have more coherent thoughts than i do. Everyone talking, having fun, and having cool, interesting conversations and i just feel like my thoughts arent the most interesting.
I wished i can have as interesting characters, ideas, thoughts and a personality that brings people together. Maybe ill get to it eventually, but for now, i just sit here, talking every now and then if i can actually say something and wish to be more of someone to others as they are to me.
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shigayokagayama · 7 months ago
sakurai hato or minegishi :3? my faves
Sexuality Headcanon:
this man is gay
Gender Headcanon:
honestly nothing in specific. cis but in a "never really put much thought into it" kinda way. could he be inclined to question or transition? perhaps, but he is too busy cleaning up the giant comical jar of disgusting orange sauce that spilled all over the floor because a customer insisted they could fit a weeks worth of groceries into one cheap reusable grocery bag and it predictably split open and went everywhere and now the whole store smells like nondescript orange sauce and he has a headache from the smell but the manager will be pissed if he closes the register and moves to one further away so he just has to mop it between customers and the stain remains until they redo the nylon in 30 years.
A ship I have with said character:
koyama. made for each other.
A BROTP I have with said character:
i really like thinking abt post canon 7th division staying friends :] i think they hang out sometimes
A NOTP I have with said character:
none that come to mind? obvious stuff aside i suppose
A random headcanon:
a common theme between all three of these characters is that theyre young enough to fall in the age range where they could have been kidnapped by claw and i choose to believe that's what happened. especially sakurai. this kid screams kidnapped. no one would have looked for him....
General Opinion over said character:
i dont think about the 7th division members all that much just because they all get introduced in my least favorite arc so i dont really have a reason to reread/rewatch unless im doing a full series rewatch, but as a background character enjoyer seeing people have thoughts on them makes me very happy
Sexuality Headcanon:
gay asexual seems right for him i think :]
Gender Headcanon:
definitely some flavor of transmasc
A ship I have with said character:
computers. other than that ive seen people ship him with joseph and i see the vision.
A BROTP I have with said character:
similar to above i think he and the rest of the super five are still buddies after everything.
A NOTP I have with said character:
this is a weird question to answer for the more minor/background characters so instead ill say "i used to sorta ship him and minegishi in like a qpp sorta way when i thought they were like the same age but learning minegishi was like 19 and punching the numbers meant that unless they didnt meet until less than a year precanon there's no way to make that not weird so i dropped it". so it goes.
A random headcanon:
ditto to above and also reddit moderator. i know he's a reddit moderator on some tech forum giving the world's most smarmy and least helpful advice
General Opinion over said character:
i like him! i dont think of him too often but im fond of all the super five.
Sexuality Headcanon:
ace aro :]
Gender Headcanon:
transfemme nonbinary <3
A ship I have with said character:
none really. they dont have time for that they have a thankless minimum wage job to work.
A BROTP I have with said character:
super five but also i realized hoshida from the reigen manga is in the age range to have gone to middle school with them before they became a terrorist and the idea of them having been childhood friends who fell out of touch and then him turning on the news to find out the kid who used to make him clover necklaces is wreaking havoc on downtown is REALLY funny
A NOTP I have with said character:
most things honestly at this point. i am so sorry shimamine shippers they took everything from you with the fanbook
A random headcanon:
i feel like post canon theyd become a bug person. like, getting big terrariums with self sustaining ecosystems of invertabrates :]
General Opinion over said character:
i actually like them a lot! i feel like its clear from the answers to these that theyre the one out of these i think about the most frequently lol. i just. how did you join the upper echelon of a terrorist organization at age 16. what happened.
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uglylittlebug · 9 months ago
Tell me everything! Or wait no, let's start slow.
1) how'd u come up with ur au and 2) how is everyones dynamic with each other and splinter!!
U said splints was an asshole so tell me about :))-🫘
RAAAGGHHH!! Alr, shit under the cut
1) I knew I wanted to make my own tmnt iteration, didn't rlly have any huge thots behind my ambition tho lol. I started designing the turtles and then I kept redesigning until I found something I liked (tbh I might change a few things as I go) then came other characters so that was fun. And then I just wrote a shit ton of notes in a shit ton of Google docs, note pads, and sketchbooks. I don't rlly know man, I'm just coming up with stuff as I go along
2) super excited u asked this bc I actually have stuff written down about it lmao
Bro dynamics:
Raph and leo
-they fight a lot, there is a certain misunderstanding between them. They don't seem to see how similar they really are
-eventually they will see it and their bond will grow
-leo doesn't understand why Raph is the leader yet he is the favorite
-raph gets frustrated with Leo but it's out of care for him and his loved ones
Raph and donnie
-they just get each other idk
-raph sometimes hangs out in dons lab and draws
-they both have issues with anger and lashing out but Raph is better at hiding it
-they constantly tell each other to fuck off, shut up, etc but it's always playful
Raph and mikey
-pretty much just rise raph and Mikey, just make Raph more like idk chill
-they like to cook/bake together
-mikey honestly helped Raph with a lot of things he was dealing with mentally
Leo and Donnie
-its a love hate relationship tbh
-obvi they care about each other but they just have a hard time expressing it
-leo doesn't rlly understand Donnie and why he is the way he is. He feels like he's just putting on a show and being way too sensitive about stuff
-eventually he will understand him more
-they dont always agree with each other
-donnie hates how devoted Leo is to splinter
-im not going to go into detail on this rn but there was a situation during training and it did not go well
Leo and mikey
-they fight the least but when they do its something, two dudes who dont have a hard time expressing their opinion but do have a hard time expressing themselves
-they always apologize after (usually) and will watch tv together or something
-will definitely get into some shit if left unattended
Donnie and mikey
-donnie likes his personal space and Mikey likes donnie's personal space
-donnie often lashes out on Mikey, similar to 2012 Donnie. But he apologizes and explains himself after
-mikey always seems fine but he is sort of scared of Donnie when he does lash out. He's seen what he does to himself (Donnie will bang on tables, stomp on his feet, hit himself, scratch or bite himself etc) and he feels dumb for fearing this but he is worried Donnie might hurt him
-donnie likes to ask Mikey a lot of questions for his inventions and stuff, Mikey likes to offer his input so it's like a fun little thing for them
Bros and splinter:
-2nd fav child
-splinter made him leader since he is the oldest
-splinter puts a lot of pressure on raph since she's the leader and the oldest
-when the turtles were younger Raph was the one taking care of the others. He hates splinter bc of that
-splinter always told Raph that he must protect the others (referring to Donnie and Mikey) because they are "weak" and "unfocused"
-raph knows that it's fucked up but is obviously still going to protect all of her siblings bc he cares about them
-fav child
-splinter sees the most potential in him bc he is the most focused, skilled, and obedient
-doesnt understand why splinter didn't make him the leader if it is clear that he is the favorite child
-even though he is the fav, he doesn't like splinter anymore than the others
-he knows splinter hurts them (emotionally and physically) but is too scared to lose his position as the favorite if he speaks up
-he feels that if it weren't for him being the favorite the others would be hurt more
-is prob the least fav but it is unclear who is between him and mikey
-is ignored for the good things but if he screws up splinter makes sure he feels like a screw up
-things about Donnie that piss splinter off:
-focuses on tech rather than training
-"talks back"
-stims, physically and sometimes verbally
-sensitive to sound, texture, etc
-is clumsy and "constantly" getting hurt or sick
-usually goes under the radar with splinter
-mikey is easily distracted while training so that upsets splinter
-mikey tends to cry when he's angry so splinter never takes him seriously bc he is "showing weakness"
I think that's all I have for now, ty so much for the ask tho!! I had a lot of fun answering it
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un-chan · 1 month ago
hi my darling <3 i’m here as promised to ask you questions for tanskei from my own personal vault of questions <3
pre relationship
Did you ramble to friends/family about each other? What did you say?
Were you two obvious about being in love? Did your friends try to tell you?
in love
Funniest Kiss Memory
Give yourselves a trope
What do you mean to each other?
Groceries! Do you go together? What does a grocery trip look like?
Spa day! What does a spa/self care day look like for you two?
Who does laundry and who folds the clothes?
- all the love in the world, bug <3 🍪
ooohh my god bug youre spoiling me with these... since this is a long one ill answer under the cut
pre relationship
i def did lol, i have a bad habit of gushing about people i get involved with way too early on. my ma already knew his full name, family situation, academic status, hobbies, goals, etc like a month in. tsukishima on the other hand... well, he'd definitely mention me in passing, but i don't think he's the type to be open about it at first. especially not when akiteru is way too eager to learn more for his tastes
i was painfully obvious. i fell first and hard, even though i was in denial about it for a while. like, he's tall and snarky and we banter but surely its just banter and nothing more... right? my friends would tease the living hell out of me over it. with tsukki being more of the stoic type, it was harder for ppl around him to tell. ofc yamaguchi caught on though, and was super encouraging (much to tsukkis embarrassment). in the end i think our friends helped push us to eventually confessing!
in love
i think it'd be one of our earlier kisses, once we first started dating. we were both still awkward and nervous about being in a relationship, a serious one, and didnt know how to act. at a certain point i got fed up, just grabbed his face and went to kiss him. just to miss LMAO. god the tips of his ears turned so red, he was totally caught off guard. we tried again and actually succeeded on the second attempt, but he still teases me about it when i intiate
tutor x tutee for sure. i struggle a lot with studying thanks to my adhd, and while tsukishima can be a dick while teaching, his presence alone helps me be more productive through body doubling! he never understands my backwards ass ways of getting an answer, but the only thing that matters is that its right
honestly, i dont think i can answer this one. its definitely got me thinking, on what tsukishima means to me and what i mean to others, but thats a long ramble i think ill save for another time haha
honestly, going with tsukishima makes grocery trips enjoyable. i usually wouldn't go, but doing domestic acts with him makes me really happy. though more often than not we get into old couple fights over me buying too many sweets or snacks. we compromise by getting my favorite fruits instead! though ill admit, i do end up making the trips take a lottt longer, thanks to getting distracted and wandering off lolol
nail care for sure!! i love painting my nails, even though i dont do it often, and the treatment is always a nice refresh. tsukishima's hands have no right to be that pretty though! its unfair just how nice his nailbeds are... but it makes it so worth it to see them painted pretty colors. we usually end up choosing matching colors and designs! its a little messy, but we have fun
malewife tsukishima my beloved. ill be honest, im pretty bad at household chores. i can do them, but its a struggle and i often need assistance. tsukishima knows that, and so he usually does the laundry for me. he also folds the clothes, but im able to sort and hang them myself just fine. its like a team effort!
tysm for sending these in bug!!! you really got me thinking with these questions lolol <3
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spricket-central · 2 months ago
hi i stumbled across this blog and i am so in love with it. your passion for the sprickets is so so contagious !!!!!!!!!!! what are some favorite quirks out of your sprickets?
awwww thanks so much!!! :D
as sprickets as a whole, or out of my current lil family? for them as a whole, i love all the ways they move. whether theyre grooming, eating, or just walking around, theyre so animated and expressive!
i dont currently have any cohabitating, but i love the quirky ways they communicate too. theyre a hoot when theyre cranky! when a spricket is unhappy with another spricket, theyll wiggle their antennae against them REAL FAST, and when they get SUPER pissed, they stomp their little feet with rage! i think its their way of intimidating each other, showing off the strength of those long jumpin legs by creating vibrations with the force of their stomps... and then kicking with that same force if the intruder gets too close! its... so goofy.
as for my current ones specifically, i think Carrot, Honey, and Pumpkin have the biggest personalities, and therefore the most noticeable quirks. Carrot seems the least bothered by me of any of my sprickets (possibly ever). dont get me wrong: she doesnt LIKE me, but she's the least likely to flee when i reach in to feed her. if shes out and about when im sticking my hand in, I'll gently wiggle my finger in the path of her antennae in an attempt to mimic a relaxed spricket's antennae greeting before going for the tray, and often times she'll stay put instead of scurrying off, even if the tray is right next to her. one time i had to slide it out from under one of her feet and she still didnt freak out! brave girl :) 💚
Honey makes me laugh too. shes got a similarly "outgoing" personality to Carrot, but a tad less chaotic. she fuckin loves hanging out on the ceiling though. Carrot does too, but i think i find Honey hanging upside down from it more than anyone else. shes also almost always one of the 1st sprickets to start munchin when i put down fresh veggies. i could have no idea where she is, put down some veggies, leave for one minute to feed the others, and bam, there she is, gnoshing some cucumber.
Pumpkin is just a delight. hes a pretty laid back lil dude who loves to just Chill on top of things. his egg carton pod? his tp tube? his climbing wall? hes on it and his vibes are Immaculate. 11/10 Keep On Truckin 🤘
i could go on forever about these goofballs tbh. its really such a shame how nearly universally despised sprickets seem to be, because they truly are such charming, charismatic little bugs! it makes me so happy to see folks here who are willing to give these weird beans a chance :) 💚
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mar64ds · 4 months ago
i'm insane I wrote down some of my headcanons for how Sam and Max's lives were like as they grew up. It's long and meaningless
How Sam and Max meet has two possibilities, the 'max beats up a bully for sam' or the ' their families knew each other'. I'm a bigger fan of them meeting through the bully story, but I think it's possible to make it so their families do have some history together. I think some members of their family know each other and maybe sam's parents encouraged sam to go play with the kids of the lagamorph family but sam was probably like 'nah i dont want to, im going to play with my computer'. The friendship just happened one day after the bully incident, they had probably seen each other before at a distance but never really spent time together until that day. They got along perfectly of course.
Sam's parents are sweet and cute and Max does spend more time in Sam's house, but sometimes they go to Max's house which is just full of siblings, but I like to think maybe Max's grandparents also live there and perhaps cousins stay over a lot. Basically a house where a lot happens all the time so it can be fun to hang out there sometimes but not ALL the time. I can see Max's mom being a single mom after divorcing Max's dad not too long ago, which is why Max's cousins visit a lot, cause his aunts and uncles try to come over and help her out when they can. Kind of a crazy household right now, so he stays over at Sam's house more often.
Sam's parents adore Max so they are happy to have him over practically everyday, they think he is funny and are happy to see someone that helps their kid open up more and do more than to stay on his room with his computer.
Sam is still a nerdy kid though, he just has a nerdy friend now. Nerdy for different reasons but they both are the weird lonely nerdy kids on school. Not that it bothers them too much cause they are happy simply being together.
I don't think Sam and Max ever cared about 'popularity' or any preteen/teen drama, I think their whole thing is that they were probably already fighting weird creatures they found on the school's parking lot instead of caring about highschool drama. They were two funny cartoon characters trapped in a regular highschool and no way in hell are you going to make them act like regular human teenagers
Sam probably had crushes on some girls sometimes but never did anything with that, he just thought 'oh that girl is cute' and then never did anything about it cause he is insecure sure but also i don't think he had any motivation to start a relationship, he is too busy fighting creatures on the school's parking lot with max. I think Sam only tried dating when he becomes an adult, but even then those relationships don't last anyway.
Max has always known he is gay before he knew gay people existed, he just didn't understand why a guy is supposed to have a crush on a girl, and he told Sam immediately and they are both very casual about it. Once they become preteen/teens is when they find out what gay people are and they are like 'ooooh' but they still say the 'he doesn't like girls' thing cause they are used to saying that. Maybe he didn't immediately realized he is gay (I see Max as aromantic so maybe he just thought he didn't like anyone) but the whole kissing Sam's cousin made him realize 'oh yeah i am gay' (he is arogay hope this helps).
Max is very openly gay as we all know, but when it comes to Sam, at first he just makes jokes about them being together but never tries to actually be genuine about his feelings. Sam is in denial about being bi, he thinks he is straight mostly cause he doesn't really think about this stuff, so he just assumes he is straight.
I do see Sam as a trans man, I think he might have focused more on his gender than on his romantic attraction, so once he figures out he is a man he just thought 'okay now that im done with gender i guess im straight! no need to question this'
Sam and Max's relationship is a casual but super interesting slow burn inconventional relationship. They don't immediately start dating, it takes so much time, so many sam&max gay compilations before they finally sit down one day and realize hey something gay is going on here. Telltale sam and max for example takes place before they realize, 100%, it's part of the appeal of the telltale games honestly, it's one of the reasons s3 is so heartbreaking and full of metaphors.
I do think there is something very aspec in Sam and Max's relationship and I don't think that goes away when they confess that they are gay for each other, Max is still aromantic, I kind of see Sam as ace and maybe on the aro spectrum too, and I think it's important to them that just because they are together it doesn't mean they have to act differently. They don't have to act like how 'couples do' they can just be themselves but a little gayer this time.
But oh yeah let's go back to their past. Sam went to college for a while, I have no idea for what though, maybe some engineer stuff idk, but it didn't last. Max never went to college, but they had a small apartment together in this period of their life so they never were really apart. One day they stop some evil entity from another dimension like how they usually do sometimes and think 'hey you know what. we COULD turn this into a job.' and that's what they do. maybe they were expecting this to only last a couple of weeks but were surprised that this was actually working out and cops were not stopping them (they tried, but they still got away with it lol). So slowly they began to take it more 'seriously' as in, getting an office, painting their car a different color, things like that.
Those are some of my thoughts- hey this was really long what the hell am I doing
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wienertit · 2 years ago
OKAY. OKAY. its been a while since ive rambled on this account so today im going to clear up how i see itapan so that no one gets confused when i say “i dont think they would ever date” and then proceed to draw them making out or whatever.
when you hear “one sided itapan” you might think italy has the stronger feelings (because he’s the one approaching and hugging and kissing japan or whatever) but i feel that it’s actually japan with the stronger feelings.
when italy’s affectionate towards japan, its not because he’s necessarily attracted to him, but that’s just how he behaves. i think that he’s kind of trying to lead him on so japan is nicer to him. italy has been coddled his entire life like he’s been taken care of by austria and hungary and spain and france and germany and literally everyone loves him. and he KNOWS that everyone loves him so he purposefully babies himself to others so he can get even more special treatment. hes an annoying little asshole who uses his good looks and weakness to get out of trouble and i love it!!!
throughout the series (both in anime, manga, and a little in hetamyu), japan actually grows a bit of a soft spot for italy because of how weak and pathetic he makes himself seem. at first he’s polite and awkward because he idolized italy to be strong and capable, but once his expectations are SHATTERED he gradually begins to want to take care of him in a way. he doesn’t get mad at him as often and sometimes even defends him when germany is upset or lecturing him (like in hetalia fantasia). he tucks him in bed and lets him sleep on his chest and share a bed and bathe together and do the gayest shit ever. i probably would’ve thought “well thats because he’s too polite to refuse” but he ACTIVELY wants to do this stuff with him. he puts a hand on his back to keep him in place when he rests on his chest. he visits italy often and loves to cook with/for him. he wants to learn how to hug and kiss him back even after italy says its fine. he writes him letters and a SONG where he asks italy to visit him and gives him a pressed flower bookmark. japan goes out of his way to return italy’s affection and spend time with him while italy just does it because he’s italy.
i dont really think it’s a “sad” one-sided crush because in the end they’re still friends! they still both care about each other and confide in one another and hang out. italy isnt just affectionate to japan because he wants to lead him on and get more special treatment, but because they’re friends and he does still like him platonically! they can act like a couple without actually BEING one and thats insane!!! i love that shit!!!!!
ive mentioned how itager/gerita was my first hetalia ship and it still stands as one of my favorites. the problem is that im PICKY with it because i dont like a lot of the fandoms’ interpretations of them. i guess i wasnt as picky with itapan and liked it simultaneously with (although much more than) itager. but when i rewatched all of hetalia over the spring i realized how much MORE i liked itapan in the context of itager, which kind of blew my mind. like i remember mentioning to some itapan friends how i think they would never date and i still stand with that today. like italy and germany are too busy trying to win eachother over and they would just get together instead. japan actually likes his friends though and wants them to be happy so he would just go “ok” and move on while still doing all that gay shit with them. i guess jt makes itapan more of a brotp but it doesnt make it any less enjoyable for me. i LIKE to see them hanging out and being friends and dont really mind fanart where they’re dating or whatever because i can just pretend that they’re not!
anyways sorry for being a little insane i hate itapan but i actually love itapan okay i love them okay yahoo!
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wanderrlust0 · 2 years ago
sorry i wont shut up about this but i feel so conflicted right now!!D; and maybe typing it all out will help???
and I highly suggest to not read this unless you want to be here for an hour reading nonsense LOL
im seeing my bestie friday so im gonna tell her everythinggg and get her opinion on all of this before i see him again in a few days.
i just started to hang out with a "new" friend but it makes my bf uncomfortable and idk what to do about it... and tbh im not going to stop being friends with them:/ ik that sounds kinda shitty on the surface but its like asking me to cut someone off right after getting to know them.
im gonna explain almost all of the context....
okay, so... 2020 was a ruff year. it was covid and quarantine. my mom was super super strict about it. once people began to hang out in small circles bc cdc said it was okay to, while still being careful, i was still not allowed to leave my house. i felt soso isolated and alone and it was def one of my lowest moments. me & my bf were basically in a long distance relationship.. or thats what it felt like. all we had was facetime. he started to hang out with his friend from school more often (i had stuff to say to him about that & its in another post). after a couple of months, my mom finally let us see each other.. but it had to be in my backyard only and we couldn't be close. it was okay at first but after a while we got bored and wanted more. he got impatient and petty about it. i understood where he was coming from but i was trying to be as optimistic as i could, even tho it was hard. its bc even for like the 1-2 hrs i got to see him, it made my day. (my friends were also starting to hangout in their backyards but i never told my mom bc i figured she wouldnt let me go.. but when i told her afterwards, she said she would have..??)
it was getting colder outside which made it harder for us to see each other. it was also just a sucky situation and it was creating some resentment. he wanted to talk with me on ft about it and i knew it would be serious. AND IT WAS. he did most of the talking and it was leading to a breakup. BUT (this is important) he couldnt for the life of him break up with me, let alone say the words.. SO.. he suggested that we do a break. neither of us have done that before but its obvious that it means its temporary and you use that time to figure things out and get some space (we DEFINITELY shouldve been clearer about it). he got emotional and i held mine in. he was saying all these good things about me and how he still wants me in his life and that we can get together again; that we would still talk everyday and be friends. at the time, weve been dating for about a year and a half. right after we hung up i bawled my eyes out and immediately facetimed my best friend in FL.
days go by and me and him are still talking everyday, only in a more friendly, platonic manner. eventually, he starts replying later and later, he turns off his location, and its like i feel forgotten about. im so used to knowing what hes doing that now it feels weird to not know and its hard to adapt to these changes.
I download tinder to find some FRIENDS to talk to (only for girls). he was barely talking to me and i was questioning our friendship relationship (situationship i guess). although i dont remember the details of my profile, i DEF made it clear that i was on there for making friends only. i had no intention of pursuing anyone for a relationship... bc i had my "bf" still. HE clearly went a diff route during our break....too much to unpack there but in the end, it just made him want to come back to me.
So.... Snow (that is their nickname ive given them for tumblr) was one of those people who i chatted with on tinder. theyre female but identify as they/them (i dont think they used those pronouns when we first started talking tho). they msgd first and our convo was actually really long-lasting so we followed each other on IG. (theyre also not the only one i've exchanged IG with so its not like i only gave it to them). Yes, I thought they were pretty when i swiped. sue me. i think many people are pretty. its just me acknowledging when someones aesthetically pleasing. eventually, we talked less and i also went on tinder less. After about a month into me and my bfs break, he begins to talk to me more like he used to. Then he asks if he can see me bc he missed me. Still cant leave my house with him but we hang out and its nice. HE ASKS ME IF I MET ANYONE NEW. i say no and hes like ...really?you sure? I ask him the same and he says no (while breaking eye contact,, literal red flag but i was blindsided). he tells me the truth over FT and that ruined me way more than i let on. (i think he's feeling a similar way now but for diff reasons)
we got back together after and the rest of the year (2021) was super fun. weve now been together for almost 4 1/2 years! since our BREAK NOT BREAKUP (not me @ ing him when he wont even see this) me and snow comment on each others IG posts now and again. for ex, ive said they looked so prettyyy & i would compliment their makeup skills. they would reply in a cute/flattery way. thats how they reply to comments. theyre also very embellished, like with emojis. theyve commented on my pics saying i look cute and hyping me up with compliments as well. it just turned into a natural, mutual thing; idk how else to describe it. its like having an online friend where you only interact thru the comments to show kindness. LOL IDK that sounds corny but yeah. girly things i guess. & then irl its so subdued.
so aside from the comments, we would react to each others stories like once in a blue moon. they posted about watching demon slayer so i said its a good anime. i posted me and my bfs halloween costumes and they said we looked so cute. fast fwd to the end of last yr... we said happy bday to each other and i brought up the idea of possibly hanging out one day if theyre down. so yes, i asked first. they said they would love to and that they were glad i asked bc they were too anxious to ask themselves (mood). im surprised at myself that i even asked but i guess i felt comfortable enough.
(i feel like im writing my own biography omg..) anyways, we get each others numbers and talk about our schedules. we were both very busy so nothing happened. we sporadically made small talk, as one does with their internet friend, over a couple of months. we talked on IG more & also thought about the plans for when we hang out. its now like almost summer and they text me asking if i was free last minute to hang out bc they were gonna be in my town but i was busy.
its now like a month later and i see them at the mall with their friend when i was with my bf. (i already spoke about this so i wont repeat it). after that day, we finally made a day to hang out. bf wasnt happy about it; i tried to reassure him; he saw and still sees them as someone to worry about; he thinks im gonna do something stupid and act out on any fantasies i may have. he knows im bi; he sees snow as someone who looks queer. he thinks that our intentions are to get closer to each other in a way that crosses a friendship.
he saw me listening to a playlist titled sapphic energy. it just consists of songs i enjoy by female artists and ive had that playlist for a long time now. i only edited the title.. but just now i switched it back to what it was before so thats ONE thing "fixed" to make him at ease.
he doesnt believe me when i tell him that my only intention and motive here is to make a good, new friendship. THATS ALL I WANT. AND THATS ALL SNOW WANTS. i can see how it can look like its more from an outside perspective bc of our IG comments but it was not like that in person at all!! it just felt like hanging out with a friend and introducing new things to each other like shows and foods. snow even made it clear that once someone is their friend, they cant see them any other way and that formed to protect their feelings. when we hung out there were literally no signs of feelings or anything that would cross boundaries. i didnt get that feeling i get when i have a crush and lose all my brain cells. by our second hang out we were past any awkwardness and it felt like a regular day out with a friend.
I did look cute that day but i always dress up!!! i dress up like every time i see my bf. i dress up for work. i dress up when im going out with friends. i enjoy fashion and makeup and looking pretty,,
last yr he was using bumble friends and he met up with a guy but they havent hung out since. ive helped him swipe on people before and i was okay with it, except when it was like an attractive girl.. would that be hypocritical of me tho?...idk. we def both get kinda jealous over these things. i can get territorial, like he is mine lol i am his. we would never be open or add a third and the thought of him befriending new females made me nervous. especially after what happened during our break. like idk, that still sticks with me and makes me think of bad feelings..and even more especially now after finding out about what he and his friend did.. but me feeling nervous about that is like what HE is feeling (T-T) I JUST DONT KNOW WHAT I CAN DO TO HELP AND IT SUCKS. i dont think i catch feelings easily. i dont get butterflies over people easily. im not an openly sexual person.
like. am i being unfair by continuing this friendship? snow doesnt know how he feels about us. idek if its worth telling but im gonna wait till more time passes and see how things go. would him hanging out with us make him feel better?? would it be too weird? he already doesnt like the idea of snow so how would he be in a room with them.
i wanna fast fwd to friday so i can tell my bestie about it and then fast fwd to sunday so i can see him. he is still not back to his usual self when we talk on snap. he tries to save serious confrontations for in person bc he sounds angry thru text so even tho itll make me nervous, i still wanna work this out so it doesnt ruin our relationship.
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njmweb · 1 year ago
this is going to be super corny ok !
@heartjnh - (maybe you'll see this maybe not) god where do i even start . you are quite literally the best thing that happened to me and i cannot stress enough on that . i was acc so happy when we could finally talk yesterday n ive been thinking of our conversation still . you're so cute adorable amazing n everything n you're always there to support me no matter what n i feel so happy knowing that i have you , really . we've known each other for a while now n i often still read our texts from when we first talked . you're all i asked for n youre js so perfect . from our stupid inside jokes to js being an amazing person i can rely on , you're everything . i hate being mushy but i genuinely love making things for you . i love writing poems for you , i love drawing you n me , i love sending you big ass messages on how much i love you , i love getting into media you like js so i can go crazy over it w you (i started w little women for you. Btw) , i love sending you pretty pictures , i love seeing cute things in red cuz they're your favourite colour . this is getting super long but im genuinely over the moon for you n i really really really dont know what I'd do without you . you have the most special place in my heart n trust me when i say no one has even come close to being as special as you are . I love you .
(happy 669 days .. LMFA)
to the sweetest angel, my baby, the jark to my jarchan 💞
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@y-vna - OOOHHH MY GOOOOOD I LOVE TALKING WITH YOU you literally make my day 1000000 times better ISTG YOU'RE THE SWEETEST PERSON EVER . reading your message made me tear up n im acc so glad we met even though i dont even know what i did to deserve you like ☹️☹️ i will remember you forever . plz dont stop sending messages like these i genuinely cherish them . so much you're one of the biggest reasons i open tumblr everyday im not even kidding . every interaction between us makes me smile sm n i always get feel so happy everytime you tag me 💓💓💓 im so happy im a person you can come to for help . i hope we continue to get to know each other better ^__^ i love you sosoosos much i cant even put it into words Ookk <33333 /p
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@pupicito - LITERALLY MIY FAVOURITE PERSON ON THIS APP EVER . I loveeee talking to you smmmmm n you're so nice you always tag me in silly events in which we can participate together which means sososo much to me 💞 you never fail to make me laugh n i love getting texts from u !!!!! i hope we get to talk more n be silly when we're both not so busy i loev you !!! /p the best carat on this app !!!!!! you've been here since my tzugore era n i appreciate you supporting me up to this point <33333
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@silvrrz - i dont even know how we met but like ??? you're one of my fav people ever and i love waking up every day knowing i get to see n be silly w you . i have one of theee best memories ever with you and i would kill to experience them for the first time again . n the way you dont even like skinship but you willingly let me hug and cry into your shoulder on our sports meet says sm abt you . i love every minute of our time together n i love going out to diff places n window shopping w you its genuinely my fav thing ever !!!! after all of our exams are done i hope u me isa n elili can hang out together again <3
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@jdopes-recorder - you're a little too obsessed with me but ok 😒 i hope we stay friends for a really long time though ! im so glad you feel comfortable enough to open up to me n im so glad i could be of some help . i love spending time together n we definitely havent spent enough 👎🏼👎🏼 you're also one of my fav ppl ever n even though you barely talk to me i still like getting texts n voice mails from you i Guess . thank you for being the loveliest wife 🎀 (although a shitty co parent ....) n i hope we still can talk frequently in college bc if not i will show up in your house bc of how much ill miss you (although ill never admit that.)
being madly in love with someone platonically is so ridiculous. hey man i think about you all the time. i wish you were here right now. talking to you makes me indescribably happy. i miss you. honestly what the hell
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hoghtastic · 1 year ago
When I saw interviews of Alex in the past when he would mention his family or future work he would say things like his Mum wanted him back in Denmark and to work on projects at home, etc. I can't remember the interviews or when as it was years back but I remember hearing that a few times and thinking yeah it must be hard to have your child working in another country miles away but surely if their dream was to act you would be supportive and understand them being away a lot and for long periods? If he put himself out there a bit more he could have went to Hollyweird and got some more big offers or some mid offers that were still bigger than anything back home. Yes it would mean being away from home more but usually actors/actresses/singers etc can fly back and forth often and actually see friends and family more often than those of us in regular jobs. It just makes me wonder if his Mum was a but pushy and controlling or has a big personality and influence over him and hence why he went back home and took more Danish offers and hasn't had anything big or had any offers of a big production? Also, given the COVID pandemic and lockdowns and travel restrictions he has kind of lost some momentum and now interest in him isn't as big as it was when Vikings was on so he will now struggle to stand out esp now he is hitting the 30s soon, it limits his roles a bit more also, esp in Hollyweird when there are a pool of young up and coming talent plus nepotism and those who are actively out there pushing themselves to be noticed, unlike Alex.
Another point from above I have thought is, if his mum is a bit domineering and over-involved in his decision making etc then I can see why he has ended up with someone like Johanne as she seems bossy, domineering and pushy. It also ties in with him making a life in Denmark instead of going abroad to spread his wings and get more jobs. While I don't agree with personal attacks on her looks, the things I have seen of her she comes across way too over-confident and cocky. I am more of an introvert-extrovert in the right company personality and have come across many like her and her friend group and they just take over and dominate social situations. They usually are seen as the confident ones, life and souls of the party but I always found those types sucked the life out of everyone else around them who was not loud enough to stand out from them. They can be charming though and maybe thats what he likes about her, her over the top confidence. Those types always seem to get what they want so its no surprise she is getting lots of work now. I agree that her being on every song on her podcast is just cringey and is a way to give her fame and attention and is not to promote and enhance the actual guest on the podcast.
Regarding Marco, the same interviews i mention above i read some from Marco too and in them his plan always seemed to be to move back home and do smaller independent projects, and pick productions on the quality and story rather than take everything he is offered. I remember him saying he didn't like the idea of Hollywood and all that comes with it so he had no intention of going out there or being a major actor over there. Its the same for many other shows - GoT, Cobra Kai, Stranger Things, etc its like a couple from this shows become super famous, the rest are never really seen in anything big ever again, just small parts here and there. So maybe he and many others in the Vikings cast will struggle to ever be a part of another production like Vikings. I find it strange, considering their friendship throughout the years filming vikings that many of the younger cast dont seem to interact with each other at all or hang out, even once a year or something, esp Marco and Alex living in the same country. I loved Vikings but many plots/subplots got beyond annoying by the final seasons which I think hindered the likes of Alex, Marco etc so I don't feel its entirely their fault the show wasnt as good as it was, they done the best with what they were given, same with all the extras and behind the scenes crew. It was the director who ruined their seasons in my eyes with his incessant use of pushing his daughter Torvis character into every big storyline and putting her with 1 of the main male characters each time a husband died or left her. The not aging the female characters. The falling in love with a female slave plot trope being overused and the Ivar thinking he is a God and pitting the brothers against each other killing off Sigurd, then Bjorn, not to mention the civil war and Lagertha suddenly killing Aslaug to usurp and become Queen were all hated by many loyal fans and turned them off the show. The real stories of Ragnar's sons were so much different and they all conquered so much, that could have been explored and maybe the show would have had a few more seasons in it?
sorry this is so long, i didn't mean it to be.
Thanks X
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and considerations, anon. 😊 (And don't worry about writing long texts, I'm also guilty of that sometimes. 😉)
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alyimoss · 11 months ago
so my own view on what happened w gaster is convoluted and incomplete so i will refrain from saying much on that front EXCEPT the fact that i hc that she was 100% close to him and he was close to her, i like to think that he often validated her ideas and her hyperfixations. i think she was super nervous around him always and terrified of disappointing him, but he never thought of her that way. he saw her as intelligent and driven and i love the idea that out of everyone he worked with, hes very happy alphys ended up succeeding him. i love the thought that he basically thought of her as his daughter, like he was so genuinely proud of her and her accomplishments and genuinely happy to see her happy. i think she showed him anime once and he was very so-so abt it and she could tell but he still told her the parts of it he liked and that she shouldnt be ashamed of liking things others might not (which, for my view of gaster, is mildly insane bc i hc him as a man who barely ever talks abt stuff like that but this shit aint abt him)
her and sans's friendship is so underexplored it literally kills me bc what do you MEAN basically noone ever gives a shit abt it???? their friendship is so so important to me. i like to think they met in high school or college, that alphys is a year or two younger but was in all the same classes (and some more advanced than him) bc she really *is* that smart (a fact i think a lot of people forget bc so many reduce her to just "annoying weeb" and it pisses me off) so theyd collab on projects and study together and stuff. she was absolutely a straight-a student but she would panic over every assignment bc of her self-confidence issues and would convice herself that she would fail (she never did. she very consistently scored at the top of the class).
i think she compared herself to sans a lot, too. bc i see him as the epitome of adhd-type procrastinator who still got good grades somehow and seemed to just- understand every concept thrown at him immediately. and she would invalidate her own work over this bc "sans never does anything but hes still at the same level as me. meanwhile i have to do all this work and im stressed all the time. god im such a failure, i wish i could just be flawlessly smart like him" (this is not projection this is not projection this is n) but i dont think she ever said it out loud bc she didnt wanna seem like she was seeking pity or smthn (sans picked up on it anyway bc bro is canonically that observant and he hyped her up in his own way as much as he could without saying anything outright bc if hes anything he is a man who does not want to confrot feelings, his own or someone elses, fucking EVER).
and like during the events of undertale theyre obviously still friends but i think they drifted apart a little. between sans's depression and alphys's own, plus her workload and stress, they didnt really get to hang out much anymore, nor be as close or as open with each other as they had been previously (which wasnt even that much considering. sans. but the shift was still noticeable). this definitely added to her stress and fears (add on to that that mostof their communication was likely thru text and alphys is absolutely a very expressive texter and someone who usually takes like seconds to reply while sans is the worlds dryest texter, would probably leave you on read (not maliciously) for days or not even read your messages until like a week later). but still he helped her out where he could and he kept hyping her up bc thats his fucking friend, man!! and then theres that list in the dog shrine casino on?? whichever fucking console version of ut it is i dont remember that is very heavily implied to be alphys's game recs for sans which i think is so cute.
i think when they did hang, theyd watch anime and eat junk food and watch movies and play video games and just kinda. not talk abt their problems at all, but it still felt nice for both to just hang with someone plus escapism so. also once she got her big fat crush on undyne (and probably before w other crushes but especially with her crush on undyne) shed sit there and tell him all abt it, the things she did/said, how nervous alphys is, how badly she wants to just ask her out etc. and sans, in typical aro/ace fashion, would just nod along, happy for his friend, and, when asked for advice, would just shrug and go "idk talk to her ig?" (pan to undynes house where the exact same conversation happens with papyrus and undyne lmfao)
and like. i think alphys is just in general the type of person to get overinvested in any kind of relationship, even if it seems like the other person doesnt feel the same. like shes probably had friendships in which she was super invested in the other person and so happy to hear from them and worrying when she didnt and letting them vent to her etc only to find out that the other person barely thought of her as an acquintance (this is NOT PROJECTION I SWE)
she absolutely would be into cosplay but initially be too shy and too full of self-loathing to really like. do it. and this is where another one of my all-time fav friendships that NOONE talks abt emerges and that is ALPHYS AND PAPYRUS. LIKE PAPYRUS IS ABSOLUTELY THE TYPE OF PERSON SHE NEEDS IN HER LIFE. he hypes her up constantly, he calls her out when shes being negative abt/mean to herself and tells her how to change that around, hes an absolute beacon of positivity and confidence and the kind of person you really feel like you can be yourself around. theyd fucking cosplay together. theyd sit down and make cosplay together from scratch. undyne would be there too, obv. i think she initially helped out, making like props and whatnot, but she kept getting too excited and smashing them, so now shes just there as moral support + she can wear the in-progress cosplay to like. help them see how its coming along, what they need to change, etc. and i think she still is like. the authority on a lot of weapons (esp prop spears) bc she has experience.
and yknow whod also help them?? toriel. i love toriel and alphys friendship, i think they have a book club-type thing going together. tori would come over and help them sew together fabric and whatnot, and also bring pie bc everyone fucking loves pie (everyone has made pie together with her at some point. even asgore, tho that was long, long ago). sans is there occasionally. noone ever sees him do any work but his parts are always done and noone knows how.
she goes to cons with undyne and papyrus and i think frisk goes w them bc WHY THE FUCK NOT. god she must have been so happy the first time she went to a con... not only is it a whole ass space all abt anime, but theres people *like her* there and suddenly she doesnt feel like the weirdo freak, shes just a girl enjoying her life and her hyperfixation and its so freeing.... she probably stays all days of the con (undyne probably stays with her, papyrus and frisk have to leave but they get photo updated almost hourly)
she probably ends up getting asgore into anime, at least somewhat. she goes over to his house and they drink tea and watch anime and she infodumps abt specific moments with her favorite characters and how important they are lore-wise/thematically and asgore goes "golly!" and listens to all of it and asks questions and alphys is so fucking *excited* bc she gets to talk even *more* abt her favorite thing and she goes into headcanons and theories and then later asgore sends her like. a photo of an anime boy he stumbled on and goes "this reminded me of you!" and shes just so happy abt it. he gives her flowers, also. both in bouquet form and potted plants. she takes care of them very, very diligently.
she still does science stuff on the surface. im not smart so idk what but she does it. she helps frisk w their homework (everyone does but shes in charge of sciency and mathy stuff bc shes good at that) and when theyre done they get boba or something to celebrate and frisk tells her abt school and abt their fellow students and teachers, she talks abt the people at her work. they play video games together (they definitely both play pokemon. they trade with each other to complete their dex. frisk is doing a shiny living dex and giving her their dupes, especially if its a pokemon she likes.) i just love her as like- an aunt/big sister type figure to frisk. theres that one drawing of them that lives in my head constantly but i DONT REMEMBER WHO ITS BY
her playlist is full of vocaloid songs. and ado. she does official sciency stuff to the sound of hatsune miku and yknow what? me too, good for her.
i almost forgot mettaton somehow?? but their friendship specifically BREAKS ME bc were shown in ut that theyre not particularly close by the time frisk arrives. that it seems like mmt is more or less using her so he can have his body finished and go on to become a star, but thats it. but like you can tell that 1) alphys knows this and 2) she still cares for him so, so much. and i believe in one of the king mtt endings he explicitly says that, looking back, he recognizes he was *awful* to her, that he regrets it and that he wishes he had been a better friend. and that shit FUCKS. ME. UP.
oh god the fucking conversation theyd need to have. once its all over, once theyre on the surface... bc i do think they had one. they laid down on the floor and stared at the ceiling and told each other about their insecurities and their lies. alphys talks about how nervous she was finishing his body, how she felt he would leave her once she did. he talks about how he did think of that, that he was an awful friend for doing so. how he cares about her and hes done letting the fame go to his head, that he wont up and leave her, his first fan as mettaton. his friend. she probably also helps her talk to napstablook and shyren, bc i do like to think he tells them the truth.
i like the though of her, on the surface, sitting on the couch in toriel'd house, drinking a cup of tea, her friends all around her talking and having fun and she just thinks about the type of person she was before all this and she realizes how much shes changed. how much happier she is. how much she loves every single person in that room with her.
alphys... like. the journey to her betterment is not a quick or an easy one. but god... shes just so relatable i do not understand people who dont like her. shes so interesting and deep as a character. shes so... shes so. man....
im running out of steam a little (and need to get back to what i was doing before this) but shes genuinely so epic. shes so awesome and cool and i wish more people recognized that.
alphys supremacy.
alphys is so underrated and everyone says it but nobody does anything about it. alphys’ relationship with gaster. her dynamic with sans. her self loathing eating away at the inside. her literal suicide attempt.??? THE FACT SHES IN ONE OF VERY FEW CANON WLW RELATIONSHIPS OUT THERE????? THE FACT SHE IS THE MOST RELATABLE CHARACTER TO EVER WALK THIS PLANET???? wtf…
i like to hc that alphys is like a sister figure to sans but not quite papyrus. i like to think she was there when gaster fell into the core. i like to think that she spent ages piecing the puzzle together only to have so many missing pieces in the end as to what happened, who the royal scientist before her was, why she remembers things that never happened. i like to hc that the amalgamates were kind to her despite what she’d done, and their attempts at comfort after seeing her guilt only made her feel worse.
i like to think that sans isn’t the star of the mystery science scene because fucking obviously, and his and alphys’ stories are intertwined. i think that alphys helps him with the secret machine in the back of his home. i think that alphys asks sans for favors regarding the amalgamates without him knowing what for (he does know, she knows that he knows, neither talk about it much). i think they’re besties who are both so depressed. i like to think alphys in her free time sits and writes fanfiction about her favorite anime characters going through what she does to cope.
i think she would cosplay but be too scared to go outside in it so she posts one picture online and then hides from her phone the rest of the day. i think once or twice she passed out from sheer exhaustion and stress combined in front of mettaton and he’s been her rock through it all and helped her get to her feet. i hc that she has frequent headaches and a brain injury which gave her a stutter. i hc she and frisk are actually close and they do ‘sleepovers’ where alphys shows them anime and they hang out and toriel gets free babysitting. i like to think alphys, after going to the surface, is more comfortable with being a nerd because wdym humans have CONVENTIONS for her favorite anime!?!??!? and that’s a key part of helping her be more comfortable with herself (undyne cosplays with her voluntarily so alphys doesn’t feel awkward).
i like alphys….
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